• 502 Silver Point, Maneklal Estate, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Breast Reduction Surgery Mumbai

Breast Reduction Surgery Mumbai

Breast reduction surgery, medically referred to as reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure designed to alleviate physical and psychological discomfort associated with disproportionately large breasts. This surgical intervention involves the removal of excess breast tissue and skin to create a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breast size in alignment with the patient’s body figure.

Individuals experiencing macromastia, a condition characterized by abnormally large or unwanted breast size, often endure physical and mental distress. The excessive weight and size of the breasts can lead to discomfort, pain, and limitations in daily physical activities. Breast reduction surgery addresses these concerns by reducing the breast volume and reshaping the breasts to enhance both function and appearance.

Breast reduction surgery aims for balanced breast size and enhances overall well-being. The procedure offers relief from discomfort, improves mobility, and boosts self-esteem, resulting in a more aesthetically acceptable figure.


Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain:

The excess weight of large breasts can strain the muscles and ligaments in the neck, back, and shoulders, leading to chronic pain and discomfort. This can affect posture and overall mobility.

Recurrent Rash Under the Breasts:

The skin beneath the breasts may be prone to friction and moisture, creating an environment conducive to rashes and skin irritation. This can be a recurring issue for individuals with large breasts.

Indentations on the Shoulder Due to Bra Strap:

The constant pressure exerted by the weight of heavy breasts can cause bra straps to dig into the shoulders, leaving indentations. This not only causes discomfort but may also contribute to shoulder pain.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Self-Consciousness Due to Enlarged Breast Size:

Having overly large breasts can lead to heightened self-consciousness. Individuals may feel scrutinized or uncomfortable in social settings, impacting their confidence and self-esteem.

Social Embarrassment:

Macromastia can contribute to social embarrassment, as individuals may feel that their breast size attracts unwanted attention or comments. This discomfort in social situations can affect interpersonal relationships and overall quality of life.

Poor Body Image:

Disproportionately large breasts may lead to a distorted or negative body image. Individuals may struggle with feelings of dissatisfaction with their appearance, which can impact mental well-being and overall self-worth.


Difficulty in Finding Clothes that Fit:

Shopping for clothing can be a challenge as standard sizes may not accommodate the larger bust size. Finding well-fitting bras and clothing that flatter the overall body shape can be particularly challenging, leading to frustration and limited wardrobe options.

Inability to Lead an Active Athletic Life Due to Breast Size:

Engaging in physical activities, especially high-impact sports or exercises, can be hindered by the size and weight of large breasts. The lack of proper support may cause discomfort and pain during physical activities, limiting one’s ability to lead an active lifestyle.


Post-Surgical Complications:

    • The potential complications that may arise post-surgery can impact the overall cost.

Health Condition of the Patient:

    • The patient’s health status can influence the complexity of the procedure and, consequently, the cost.

Type of Surgery Planned:

    • The specific type of breast reduction surgery planned can affect the overall cost.

Patient’s Age:

    • The age of the patient might be a factor, as it can impact the surgical approach and associated considerations.

Additional Tests:

    • Any additional tests, such as X-rays or ECG, can contribute to the overall cost.

Type of Hospital:

    • The choice of hospital, including its facilities and reputation, can influence the cost.

Surgeon Fee:

    • The fee charged by the surgeon is a significant component of the overall cost.

The cost breakdown for breast reduction in Mumbai is as follows:

  • Minimum charges: Rs. 70,000
  • Average cost: Rs. 1,11,857
  • Maximum price: Rs. 2,44,000

How Do I Prepare for Breast Reduction Surgery?

About One Month Before Your Breast Reduction:

  1. Tests: Undergo blood tests, a urinary pregnancy test, and possibly an ECG and mammogram if you are over 55. These tests confirm your overall health for surgery.
  2. Prescriptions: Fill any prescribed medications in advance to have them ready for use.
  3. Smoking: Quit smoking at least six weeks before surgery to reduce the risk of complications.

One to Two Weeks Before Your Breast Reduction:

  1. Arrange for Help: Plan for transportation home after surgery and enlist friends or family to assist during the initial stages of recovery.
  2. Stop Certain Medications: Follow the provided list of medications, vitamins, and supplements to avoid two weeks before surgery to prevent interference with healing.
  3. Prepare Your Home: Stock up on necessary supplies, place items within easy reach, and make other preparations for a comfortable recovery at home.

Days Before Your Breast Reduction:

  1. Remove Nail Polish: Take off any colored nail polish or acrylic nails, as they can interfere with oxygen measurement devices during surgery.
  2. Shower and Wash Hair: Practice good hygiene habits before surgery since they may be more challenging during the initial recovery period.
  3. Fasting: Follow specific instructions regarding when to stop eating or drinking before the procedure. Typically, for morning surgeries, fasting from midnight is required, with no water or clear liquids two hours before surgery.


What is the timeline for a breast reduction recovery?

Recovery PeriodWhat to Expect
Week 1
  • Monitor pain, swelling and bruising (medication may be required)
  • Significantly limit your activity
  • You should not drive until it’s no longer painful to wear a seatbelt. This may be several weeks.
Weeks 2-3
  • You will start to feel much better
  • Return to work (depending on your job)
  • Limit exercise and activities
  • You may need to take 2 to 3 weeks off work, and need help with housework, childcare and shopping.
Weeks 4-5
  • Continue to wear a support bra
  • Increase activity
  • Continue to be gentle with your breasts
Week 6 and Beyond
  • Continue to perform breast self-examination
  • Schedule routine mammograms
  • Discuss scar optimization and resumption of normal activity with your surgeon


Breast Reduction Recovery Tips:

As you recuperate from your breast reduction surgery, it is critical that you strictly adhere to your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions. This not only ensures you get the best outcomes, but it also lowers the risk of issues as your body heals. Furthermore, by following the suggestions below, you can expect a smoother, more comfortable recovery.

Rest as necessary, but do not be scared to move around. After the first few days, try to get out and do some lighter activities. This encourages your body to heal.
Obtain assistance from a friend or family member for the first two to three days. You will most certainly be sore at this point in your recuperation, and getting extra aid might make relaxing much easier.
Take pain relievers if you require them. Some soreness is natural as your body heals, but don’t suffer unless you have to.

Avoid driving for the first week or two, if feasible. Your anesthesia may take some time to wear off. Driving and wearing a seatbelt across your chest may cause discomfort in the coming days.
Avoid smoking and other tobacco products, as they are known to impair the body’s ability to heal.




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