• 502 Silver Point, Maneklal Estate, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Liposuction Surgery

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes localized fat deposits to reshape and contour specific areas of the body. Using a thin tube called a cannula, excess fat is suctioned out through small incisions. It is important to note that liposuction is not a weight-loss method but rather a tool for refining body proportions. Ideal candidates are often close to their target weight but struggle with stubborn fat that resists traditional diet and exercise. While liposuction is generally safe.

Which areas are commonly targeted for liposuction to remove excess fat and achieve a more contoured appearance?

  1. Abdomen (tummy)
  2. Flanks (love handles)
  3. Thighs
  4. Buttocks
  5. Hips
  6. Upper Arms
  7. Back
  8. Chest (in men)
  9. Knees and Calves
  10. Chin, Jawline & Neck Liposuction
  11. Fore Arm

Is liposuction for weight reduction or body contouring?

Liposuction is more commonly associated with body contouring rather than significant weight reduction. While it can remove localized fat deposits to enhance body contours and proportions, it is not a substitute for weight loss through diet and exercise. Liposuction is generally recommended for individuals who are at or near their ideal body weight but have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to traditional weight loss methods. The main goal of liposuction is to sculpt and reshape specific areas of the body, providing a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing appearance. It is essential for individuals considering liposuction to have realistic expectations and to maintain a healthy lifestyle for long-term results.

What are Different ways of weight reduction?

Various diets are popular for weight reduction, each emphasizing different approaches:

  • Intermittent Fasting:
    • Alternating periods of eating and fasting.
    • Common methods include 16/8, 5:2, or Eat-Stop-Eat
Engaging in a well-rounded exercise routine at the gym can be an effective way to support weight reduction. Here are different types of gym exercises that can contribute to weight loss:
  • Yoga and Pilates:
    • Improves flexibility, core strength, and mental well-being.
    • While not high-intensity, they contribute to overall fitness and weight management
  • Bariatric Surgery
    • This could be because it is a relatively simple procedure that is safe for most people with fewer risks and complications. Gastric sleeve surgery removes a large portion of your stomach, approximately 80%, leaving a small, tube-like part resembling a sleeve.

What is stubborn fat or resistant fat

Stubborn fat is located beneath our skin, and it serves a purpose by protecting us from shocks and external weather conditions. However, when its amount increases, people try various methods to reduce it, such as yoga and fasting. Even after these efforts, the fat that remains and doesn’t go away is called stubborn fat.

Resistant fat is stubborn fat that doesn’t go away easily.

Mommy makeover procedure options

Different techniques of liposuction

Liposuction, a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits, utilizes various technologies to enhance the precision and effectiveness of the process. Here are some different technologies commonly used in liposuction:


  • Suction-Assisted Liposuction (SAL):
    • This is the traditional liposuction method where a cannula (small tube) is inserted through incisions to manually suction out fat deposits.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL):
    • PAL involves a mechanized cannula that vibrates or moves back and forth. This assists in breaking up fat cells, making them easier to suction out.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL):
    • LAL uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells before suctioning. The laser also stimulates collagen production, potentially tightening the skin.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL):
    • UAL employs ultrasonic waves to emulsify fat, turning it into a liquid. This makes it easier to remove through suction. UAL is often used in areas with denser fat.
  • Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction (RFAL):
    • RFAL utilizes radiofrequency energy to heat and melt fat cells. This not only aids in fat removal but also stimulates collagen production for potential skin tightening.
  • Vaser Liposuction:
    • Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound technology to selectively break down fat cells while preserving surrounding tissues. It is known for its precision and ability to target specific areas.
  •  Dry liposuction
    • Dry Liposuction does not use injections of Local Anesthesia into the fat before procedure and so it’s known as Dry. The tissue that was removed by Liposuction using the Dry technique, actually comprised of 30% blood.
  • Super Wet 
    • Technique uses a special solution to reduce discomfort during your procedure. This solution is injected into the target area and provides a firming effect so fat can be easily and safely suctioned from the body.
  • Tumescent Liposuction
    • Tumescent liposuction, often termed “local liposuction,” is a specialized technique allowing fat removal without general anesthesia. This method involves infusing a combination of adrenaline, saline, and local anesthesia into the targeted area before the actual fat extraction. Notably, the injected saline solution is about two to three times greater in volume than the fat and liquid slated for removal.


Is liposuction a safe procedure?

When performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in a controlled medical setting, liposuction is generally considered a safe procedure. However, like any surgical intervention, it carries some risks and potential complications. Common side effects may include swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which typically subside with time.

complications are rare but can include infections, changes in skin sensation, contour irregularities, and fluid imbalances. The overall safety of liposuction depends on various factors, including the patient’s health.


Good candidate for liposuction

  1. Overall Good Health: The candidate should be in good general health, free from any medical conditions that could increase the risks associated with surgery.
  2. Stable Weight: Liposuction is not a weight-loss method, so candidates should be at or near their ideal weight. It is most effective for individuals with localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.
  3. Specific Areas of Concern: The candidate should have localized areas of excess fat that they wish to address, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, or neck.
  4. Skin Elasticity: The candidate should have relatively good skin elasticity to allow for proper skin retraction after fat removal. This helps in achieving smoother and more natural-looking results.
  5. Non-smoker: Smoking can impair the healing process and increase the risk of complications, so candidates are generally advised to quit smoking before undergoing liposuction.
  6. Commitment to a Healthy Lifestyle: While liposuction can remove targeted fat, maintaining the results requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.


Advantage of Liposuction

Liposuction offers several advantages, making it a popular cosmetic procedure for individuals seeking body contouring and fat removal. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Localized Fat Removal: Liposuction allows for targeted removal of stubborn fat deposits in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and neck.
  2. Improved Body Contouring: The procedure can enhance body proportions and sculpt a more aesthetically pleasing figure by removing excess fat and creating smoother contours.
  3. Minimally Invasive: Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, typically requiring only small incisions. This often results in less scarring and a shorter recovery time compared to more invasive surgeries.
  4. Quick Results: Patients often notice a significant improvement in body shape and contour shortly after the procedure, with final results becoming more apparent as swelling subsides.
  5. Outpatient Procedure: Liposuction is usually performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that patients can typically return home the same day as the procedure.
  6. Boost in Confidence: Removing unwanted fat and improving body proportions can lead to increased self-confidence and a positive impact on body image.
  7. Long-lasting Results: While liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, the results can be long-lasting if the patient maintains a stable weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise.


Pre-Surgery Don’ts:

  • Medicines: If you are a hypertensive patient taking blood-thinning medication or health supplements, including green tea, it is crucial to discuss discontinuation with your doctor. Consult with your healthcare provider before stopping these substances, and follow their guidance for a cessation period of 7 days.
  • No Shaving 24 Hours Before: Avoid shaving the surgical area. It reduces the risk of ingrown hairs and potential infections post-surgery.
  • Comfort is Key – Avoid Tight Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing for your procedure. Tight clothes can be uncomfortable post-surgery.
  • Plan Transportation: Arrange for someone to drive you. You won’t be fit to drive afterward, so plan ahead with a friend or family member for a safe journey home.


Precautions Before Liposuction Surgery: Blood Test, Blood Pressure, and Protein Levels

Before undergoing liposuction surgery, several crucial precautions should be taken:

  1. Blood Test:
    • A comprehensive blood test is essential to assess overall health and identify any potential issues that might affect the surgery or recovery.
  2. Check Blood Pressure (BP):
    • Monitoring and ensuring stable blood pressure levels is crucial to minimize the risk of complications during and after liposuction.
  3. Evaluate Sugar Levels:
    • Checking blood sugar levels helps manage diabetes and ensures better control of blood glucose levels during the surgery.
  4. Assess Protein Levels:
    • Protein is crucial for the healing process. Assessing protein levels helps determine the body’s capacity for recovery post-surgery.


How to perform liposuction surgery

Performing liposuction surgery is a complex medical procedure that should only be carried out by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. The following is a simplified overview of the general steps involved in liposuction surgery:

  1. Patient Consultation:
    • The process begins with a thorough consultation between the patient and the surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient’s health, discusses expectations, and explains the liposuction procedure.
  2. Preoperative Evaluation:
    • Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a comprehensive preoperative evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and any necessary laboratory tests. This helps ensure that the patient is a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  3. Marking and Planning:
    • The surgeon marks the areas on the patient’s body where fat will be removed. This may involve standing the patient or placing them in specific positions to optimize the contouring effects of liposuction.
  4. Anesthesia:
    • Liposuction is typically performed under anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia (local, general, or a combination) depends on the extent of the procedure and the surgeon’s preference.
  5. Incisions:
    • Treatment involves creating small incisions in the vicinity of the affected area. These incisions, made in inconspicuous locations, are not easily visible. A cannula (a thin tube) is inserted during the procedure.
  6. Tumescent Fluid Injection:
    • Tumescent liposuction involves injecting a solution containing saline, anesthetic, and sometimes epinephrine into the targeted fat deposits. This helps to numb the area, reduce bleeding, and facilitate fat removal.
  7. Fat Removal:
    • The surgeon inserts the cannula through the incisions and uses a back-and-forth motion to break up and suction out the excess fat. The type of liposuction technology (e.g., suction-assisted, laser-assisted, ultrasound-assisted) may vary depending on the surgeon’s preference and the patient’s needs.
  8. Monitoring and Precision:
    • Throughout the procedure, the surgeon monitors the patient’s vital signs and ensures a symmetrical and even fat removal to achieve the desired contours.
  9. Closure of Incisions:
    • Once the desired amount of fat has been removed, the surgeon closes the incisions using sutures or adhesive strips. Some surgeons may leave the incisions open for drainage.
  10. Postoperative Care:
    • The patient is monitored in a recovery area, and postoperative care instructions are provided. This may include wearing compression garments, managing pain, and avoiding certain activities during the initial recovery period.


Complications of Surgery: A Brief Overview

  1. Bruising and Swelling:
    • Common after surgery, bruising and swelling are typically temporary and subside during the recovery period.
  2. Seroma:
    • Fluid accumulation in the surgical area, known as seroma, can occur. Draining may be necessary to address this issue.
  3. Hematoma:
    • Hematoma refers to the collection of blood outside blood vessels, which can lead to swelling and discomfort. Surgical drainage may be required.
  4. Skin Irritation:
    • Temporary skin irritation may occur, often due to bandages or compression garments. Proper wound care helps manage this complication.
  5. Skin Necrosis:
    • In rare cases, inadequate blood supply may cause skin necrosis. This complication may require additional medical attention.
  6. Skin Irregularities:
    • Changes in skin pigmentation or texture can occur but are usually temporary. Proper scar care helps minimize these irregularities.
  7. Loose Skin:
    • After surgery, some patients may experience loose skin. This can be influenced by factors such as skin elasticity and the extent of tissue removal.


Choosing the Best Surgeon for Liposuction: Key Considerations

  1. Surgeon’s Qualifications and Credentials:
    • Ensure the surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery, indicating specialized training and adherence to high professional standards.
  2. Surgeon’s Experience:
    • Look for a surgeon with significant experience in performing liposuction procedures, ideally with a focus on the specific type you are considering.
  3. Before and After Photos:
    • Review the surgeon’s portfolio of before and after photos to assess their skill and the kind of results they achieve for liposuction patients.
  4. Check the Surgeon’s Reviews and Testimonials:
    • Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge the surgeon’s reputation and patient satisfaction.
  5. Surgeon’s Communication Skills:
    • Schedule a consultation to assess the surgeon’s communication style. Choose a surgeon who listens to your concerns, provides clear explanations, and makes you feel comfortable.
  6. Facilities:
    • Inquire about the facilities where the surgery will take place. Ensure they accredited and equipped with modern technology, contributing to a safe and effective procedure.
  7. Surgeon’s Charges:
    • Clarify the surgeon’s fees and the overall cost of the procedure. Transparency in pricing and a clear breakdown of costs are essential.


Liposuction and Health Insurance: Limited Coverage Scenarios

  1. General Cosmetic Exclusion:
    • Health insurance typically does not cover liposuction as it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure, falling outside the scope of standard coverage.


How to choose best technology for liposuction

  1. Research Available Technologies:
    • Explore different liposuction technologies available in the market. Common technologies include traditional suction-assisted liposuction (SAL), laser-assisted liposuction (LAL), ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), and power-assisted liposuction (PAL).
  2. Effectiveness for Targeted Areas:
    • Consider the effectiveness of the technology for the specific areas you want to target. Some technologies may better suited for certain body areas or types of fat.
  3. Safety Profile:
    • Prioritize technologies with a proven safety record. Look for technologies that have been approved by regulatory bodies and have a history of successful and safe use in liposuction procedures.
  4. Surgeon’s Expertise:
    • The surgeon’s experience and expertise with a specific technology are crucial. A skilled surgeon can maximize the benefits of the chosen technology and minimize potential risks.
  5. Patient Preferences and Comfort:
    • Consider your own preferences and comfort level with different technologies. Discuss options with your surgeon to find an approach that aligns with your goals and comfort.
  6. Precision and Contouring Capabilities:
    • Assess the technology’s ability to provide precise and controlled fat removal. Technologies that allow for enhanced contouring may lead to more aesthetically pleasing results.
  7. Recovery Time:
    • Different technologies may have varying impacts on recovery time. Inquire about the expected downtime and recovery process associated with each technology



Recovery after liposuction

  1. Immediate Postoperative Period:
    • After the procedure, patients are monitored in the recovery area until they choose to leave. Some individuals can go home the same day, while others may opt to stay for an additional day.
  2. Compression Garments:
    • It is essential to wear compression garments, provided based on the patient’s size, starting from the next day morning after surgery. On that day, the drainage left empty as the fluid may have already been drained.
  3. Activity Restrictions:
    • Patients advised to limit physical activities, especially strenuous exercises, for a certain period to allow the body to heal. Light activities, such as walking, are usually encouraged to improve circulation.
  4. Pain Management:
    • After surgery, there is no pain; only swelling persist for 7 to 10 days.

  5. Swelling and Bruising:
    • Swelling and bruising are normal after liposuction and may persist for several weeks. Elevating the treated areas and applying cold compresses can help reduce these symptoms.
  6. Follow-up Appointments:
    • Patients typically have follow-up appointments with their surgeon to monitor progress and address any concerns. The surgeon may remove sutures or drainage tubes during these appointments.
  7. Resuming Normal Activities:
    • You can return to the office after 5 to 7 days. Activities like jogging and running can typically resume after 2 weeks. The timeline for restarting regular activities varies for each individual, with some being able to return to work within a few days.
  8. Scar Care:
    • Incisions from liposuction are small, but scar care is important. Patients advised to keep the incisions clean and avoid sun exposure during the initial healing phase.
  9. Results and Final Outcome:
    • It may take several weeks to months for the full results of liposuction to become apparent. Patients should have realistic expectations about the final outcome and communicate with their surgeon about any concerns.
  10. Diet and Hydration:
    • Maintaining a healthy, protein-rich diet and staying hydrated by drinking water can assist in the healing process. Adequate nutrition is crucial, and it can help reduce complexities post-surgery.


Cost of liposuction in India


can range from approximately ₹50,000 to ₹3,00,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. It’s important to note that these are rough estimates, and actual costs may vary.

Here are some factors that can influence the cost of liposuction in India:

  1. Geographic Location:
    • The cost of healthcare services, including cosmetic procedures, can vary between cities and regions in India.
  2. Surgeon’s Expertise and Reputation:
    • Experienced and highly reputed plastic surgeons may charge higher fees for their services.
  3. Facility and Infrastructure:
    • The type of facility where the surgery performed, such as a hospital or a specialized cosmetic surgery center, can affect the overall cost.
  4. Extent of Liposuction:
    • The number of areas being treated and the volume of fat being removed can influence the overall cost.
  5. Anesthesia and Medical Tests:
    • Additional costs may include fees for anesthesia, medical tests, postoperative garments, and follow-up appointments.
  6. Hospital or Clinic Fees:
    • Facilities may charge separate fees for the use of operating rooms, recovery rooms, and other amenities.

How to choose best technology for liposuction

  1. Younger Age and Better Skin Elasticity:
    • Younger individuals with good skin elasticity tend to experience better skin retraction after liposuction. The skin has more resilience and is more likely to contract smoothly to the body’s new contours.
  2. Moderate Fat Removal:
    • Liposuction most effective when moderate amounts of fat removed. Extreme fat removal may lead to a higher risk of uneven skin retraction, waviness, or sagging.
  3. Tumescent Technique:
    • The tumescent liposuction technique, which involves injecting a solution to numb the area and constrict blood vessels, can contribute to reduced bleeding and improved skin retraction.
  4. Combination with Other Procedures:
    • Combining liposuction with other procedures, such as skin tightening techniques or body contouring surgeries, may enhance overall results and skin retraction.
  5. Skin Quality and Elasticity:
    • The quality and elasticity of a patient’s skin play a crucial role. Patients with good skin elasticity are more likely to experience satisfactory skin retraction, while individuals with poor skin elasticity may face challenges in achieving optimal results.

What is non surgical liposuction for fat loss procedures Cryolipolysis

  • Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive procedure that uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells. The procedure often marketed under the brand name CoolSculpting.
  • During cryolipolysis, a device applied to the skin in the targeted area, and the underlying fat cells cooled to a temperature that triggers their natural death.

When liposuction result visible

The visibility of liposuction results can vary among individuals and depends on several factors, including the extent of the procedure, the body’s natural healing process, and individual characteristics. However, there is a general timeline for when patients can expect to see the results of liposuction:

  1. Immediate Results:
    • Some changes may be visible immediately after the procedure, but these initial results often obscured by swelling and bruising. The treated areas may look smoother due to the removal of excess fat.
  2. Initial Weeks:
    • Swelling and bruising are common in the first few weeks following liposuction. During this time, the treated areas may appear larger than the final result due to postoperative fluid retention.
  3. Weeks to Months:
    • Over the weeks and months following the procedure, as swelling gradually subsides, patients typically start to see more noticeable improvements. The contours become more defined, and the final outcome becomes increasingly apparent.
  4. Three to Six Months:
    • By three to six months post-surgery, a significant portion of the swelling should have resolved, and patients can expect to see a more stable and defined result. However, the full resolution of swelling can take up to six months or longer.
  5. Final Results:
    • The final, stable results of liposuction are typically visible on the external skin within 4 to 6 weeks, while complete internal healing may take up 3 to 6 months.

How to choose best hospital for liposuction

Choosing the best hospital for liposuction is a critical decision that can significantly impact the safety and success of the procedure. Here are some important factors to consider when selecting a hospital for liposuction:

  1. Board Certification and Accreditation:
    • Ensure that the hospital accredited and meets recognized healthcare standards. Board certification of the surgeons and anesthesiologists involved in the procedure is also crucial.
  2. Surgeon’s Qualifications:
    • Verify the qualifications, experience, and reputation of the plastic surgeons who perform liposuction in the hospital. Choose a surgeon who board-certified in plastic surgery and has expertise in the specific type of liposuction you considering.
  3. Hospital Reputation:
    • Research the overall reputation of the hospital. Look for reviews, testimonials, and ratings from previous patients. A hospital with a positive reputation for patient care and safety is preferable.
  4. Facility and Equipment:
    • Ensure that the hospital equipped with modern facilities and state-of-the-art equipment. The availability of advanced technology can contribute to the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.
  5. Operating Room Standards:
    • Check that the hospital’s operating rooms meet stringent safety and hygiene standards. Proper infection control measures and a sterile environment are essential for surgical procedures.
  6. Anesthesia Services:
    • Verify the qualifications and experience of the anesthesiologists who will administer anesthesia during the liposuction procedure. Anesthesia safety is a crucial aspect of any surgical intervention.
  7. Patient Safety Protocols:
    • Inquire about the hospital’s safety protocols and emergency response procedures. Ensure that the hospital has appropriate measures in place to handle any unforeseen complications.
  8. Patient Reviews and Testimonials:
    • Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients who have undergone liposuction at the hospital. This can provide insights into the patient experience and satisfaction.
  9. Cost Transparency:
    • Understand the costs associated with the liposuction procedure, including hospital fees, surgeon fees, anesthesia costs, and any additional charges. Transparency in pricing is essential to avoid unexpected expenses.
  10. Follow-up and Postoperative Care:
    • Inquire about the hospital’s follow-up procedures and postoperative care. A hospital that provides comprehensive support during the recovery period contributes to a positive patient experience.
  11. Location and Accessibility:
    • Consider the location of the hospital and its accessibility. Choose a hospital that is convenient for preoperative consultations, surgery, and follow-up appointments.

Differences between tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and liposuction:

FeatureTummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)Liposuction
ObjectiveTighten abdominal muscles, remove excess skin, and eliminate fatRemove localized fat deposits
Ideal CandidateIndividuals with loose abdominal skin and weakened muscles, often after pregnancy or significant weight lossThose with localized fat deposits and good skin elasticity
Procedure ComplexityMore complex, involving skin and muscle tighteningLess complex, focused on fat removal from specific areas
ScarringTypically results in a horizontal scar along the lower abdomen (can be concealed by underwear or swimsuit)Smaller incisions with less noticeable scars
Recovery TimeLonger recovery time due to muscle repair and skin tighteningGenerally shorter recovery time, with less muscle involvement
Suitability for Weight LossNot a weight loss procedure, but can enhance body contour after weight lossNot a weight loss procedure; best for contouring specific areas
ResultsDramatic improvement in abdominal contour, addressing skin laxity and muscle separationTargeted fat reduction, leading to improved body contours
Combination with Other ProceduresOften combined with liposuction for enhanced resultsCan be combined with other procedures for comprehensive body sculpting