• 502 Silver Point, Maneklal Estate, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Body Lift Surgery

What is Body Lift Surgery?

Body lift surgery is a type of cosmetic procedure that helps reshape and tighten the body by removing excess skin and fat. It’s often done for people who have lost a lot of weight or have sagging skin due to pregnancy.

What are the Benefits of Body Lift (Body Contouring) Surgery in Mumbai?

The benefits of body lift surgery in Mumbai include a more toned and contoured appearance. It helps get rid of loose skin, excess fat, and can enhance the body’s overall shape. The procedure aims to boost confidence and improve the quality of life.

Am I a Good Candidate for Surgery?

You might be a good candidate if you’ve experienced significant weight loss, have loose skin, or want to address the effects of pregnancy on your body. Good candidates are generally in good health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery.

What Are The Common Procedures Performed In Surgery?

Common procedures in body lift surgery include removing excess skin and fat from areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The surgeon may also tighten underlying tissues to create a more sculpted look. Sometimes, liposuction is used to remove additional fat deposits. The goal is to achieve a smoother and firmer body contour.

Risks and Complications

  1. Infection:
    • Any surgery carries a risk of infection. Proper preoperative and postoperative care, including antibiotic treatment, is essential to minimize this risk.
  2. Bleeding:
    • Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery is a potential complication. Surgeons take precautions during the procedure to control bleeding, and patients are monitored closely during recovery.
  3. Poor Wound Healing:
    • Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing, which can lead to issues such as wound separation or dehiscence. Following postoperative care instructions is crucial to support proper healing.
  4. Scarring:
    • Scarring is inevitable with body lift surgery. While efforts are made to minimize the visibility of scars, individual healing and scarring patterns vary. Scars may fade over time, but their extent depends on factors like genetics and how well patients care for their incisions.
  5. Numbness or Changes in Sensation:
    • The surgery may result in temporary or permanent changes in sensation, including numbness or altered feeling in the treated areas. This is often due to nerve damage during the procedure.
  6. Blood Clots:
    • Prolonged immobility during recovery increases the risk of blood clots. Surgeons typically recommend early ambulation and other preventive measures to reduce this risk.
  7. Fluid Accumulation (Seroma):
    • Fluid may accumulate under the skin, forming a seroma. Draining excess fluid may be necessary, and surgeons may use drains during the initial recovery period to minimize this risk.
  8. Asymmetry:
    • Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging. There may be slight differences between the two sides of the body in terms of contour and appearance.
  9. Anesthesia Risks:
    • Adverse reactions to anesthesia are possible, though rare. An anesthesiologist carefully evaluates patients before surgery to minimize these risks.


Recovery from Body Lift (Body Contouring Surgery)


48 Hours :

  • Hospital Discharge or Follow-Up Appointments: Some patients may be discharged within the first few days, while others may stay longer depending on the extent of the surgery. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress.
  • Compression Garments: Patients are instructed to wear compression garments to support the newly contoured areas and minimize swelling.
  • Restricted Activities: Strenuous activities and heavy lifting are usually restricted during this period.
  • Hospital Discharge or Follow-Up Appointments:
  • Compression Garments: Patients are instructed to wear compression garments to support the newly contoured areas and minimize swelling.
  • Restricted Activities: Strenuous activities and heavy lifting are usually restricted during this period.

3 to 7 Days:

  • Drain Removal & Stitch Removal: If drain tubes were used, they are often removed during the second week.
  • Gradual Resumption of Activities: Patients can typically start to resume light activities as guided by their surgeon.

Weeks 3-4:

  • Reduced Swelling: Swelling continues to decrease, and patients may notice improvements in their body contour.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ups with the surgeon are important for monitoring progress and addressing any concerns.
  • Increased Activity: Patients can gradually increase their level of physical activity but should still avoid strenuous exercise.

Weeks 6-8:

  • Continued Improvement: Swelling and bruising should continue to subside, revealing more of the final results.
  • Scar Care: The surgeon may provide instructions for scar care, including the use of creams or ointments.
  • Return to Normal Activities: Many patients can return to normal daily activities, including work, at this stage.

Months 3-6:

  • Final Results Emerging: The majority of swelling has subsided, and patients can better appreciate the final results.
  • Scar Maturation: Scars continue to mature, and their appearance improves over time.
  • Full Return to Activities: Patients can usually resume all normal activities and exercise routines.

Months 6 and Beyond:

  • Final Follow-Up: The surgeon may schedule a final follow-up appointment to assess the long-term results and address any remaining concerns.


What results can I expect after Body Lift surgery?

  1. Improved Body Contour:
    • Body lift surgery aims to provide a more toned and sculpted appearance by removing excess skin and fat. Patients can expect an improved overall body contour, especially in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and hips.
  2. Tighter Skin:
    • One of the primary goals of body lift surgery is to address loose and sagging skin. The procedure involves tightening the remaining skin, resulting in a firmer and smoother surface.
  3. Enhanced Waistline and Hips:
    • Body lift surgery often includes contouring the waistline and hips, creating a more defined and aesthetically pleasing silhouette.
  4. Reduced Pockets of Fat:
    • In addition to removing excess skin, body lift surgery may involve the removal of stubborn pockets of fat through techniques like liposuction. This contributes to a more refined body shape.
  5. Improved Clothing Fit:
    • Patients commonly find that their clothes fit more comfortably and flatteringly after body lift surgery, as the procedure addresses issues related to excess skin and body proportions.
  6. Boost in Confidence:
    • Many individuals experience an increase in self-confidence and body image following body lift surgery. The removal of excess skin and the transformation of body contours often lead to a more positive self-perception.
  7. Long-Lasting Results:
    • However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can contribute to sustaining the results over time.
  8. Scar Visibility:
    • Scarring is inevitable with body lift surgery, but a skilled surgeon will aim to place incisions strategically for minimal visibility.