• 502 Silver Point, Maneklal Estate, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Female to Male Surgery

The surgical procedure you are referring to is often known as “Top Surgery” in the context of female-to-male (FTM) gender confirmation surgery. Top Surgery involves the removal of breast tissue to create a more masculine chest. There are two primary procedures for FTM top surgery:

Double Mastectomy (also known as Chest Masculinization Surgery):

    • Description: This procedure involves the removal of breast tissue to achieve a flatter and more masculine chest contour. The nipple-areola complex often resized and repositioned to create a natural appearance.
    • Techniques: There are different techniques, including periareolar, keyhole, and double incision with nipple graft, depending on factors like breast size and skin elasticity.
    • Recovery: Recovery time varies, but individuals typically need several weeks for initial healing, with more time for complete recovery.

Nipple Grafts:

    • Description: In cases where significant chest contouring is required, the surgeon may perform nipple grafts. This involves removing the nipple-areola complex, resizing it, and grafting it back onto the chest in a more masculine position.
    • Techniques: This is often part of the double incision technique.
    • Recovery: Recovery involves both the chest and nipple graft sites, and healing time may vary.

Female to Male Surgery

Preparation Tips for Top Surgery:

  • Avoid Alcohol:
    • Recommendation: Refrain from consuming alcohol in the week leading up to your surgery.
    • Reason: Alcohol can have effects on your body and may interfere with the surgical process and healing.
  • Stop Smoking:
    • Recommendation: If you are a smoker, strongly advised to stop smoking (of any kind) at least three weeks before the surgery.
    • Reason: Smoking can increase the risk of complications and hinder the healing process.
  • Dress Comfortably:
    • Recommendation: Pack comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that zip or button in the front for easy dressing and undressing.
    • Reason: After surgery, you’ll want to wear clothing that is easy to put on and take off without exerting pressure on the surgical area.

Female to Male Surgery in Mumbai

Top Surgery Recovery Timeline:

  1. Days 1-2:
    • Discomfort: These days are often the most uncomfortable as anesthesia wears off. Discomfort may be experienced due to the compression binder or surgical bra holding dressing tightly in place.
    • Sleeping Position: Sleep on your back to avoid added pressure on the surgery site.
  2. First Week:
    • Sleeping Position Continues: Continue sleeping on your back for at least the first week to ensure no pressure or weight on the surgery site.
    • Postoperative Appointment: Around 6 or 7 days after surgery, you may have your postoperative appointment. The dressing is often removed, allowing you to see your chest for the first time.
  3. 2-3 Weeks:
    • Swelling: Swelling generally decreases within 2 or 3 weeks, but some individuals may experience swelling for up to 4-6 months.
  4. 2-3 Weeks Post-Surgery:
    • Arm Movements: Avoid lifting your hands above your head for at least 2 to 3 weeks post-surgery. This helps prevent increased scarring.
    • Physical Restrictions: Be cautious with movements such as reaching and lifting during this period.
  5. 6-8 Weeks:
    • Resuming Exercise: After 6 or 8 weeks, you can typically resume physical exercise, including sports, lifting, and running.
    • Scarring Management: Continue following postoperative care instructions to manage scarring effectively.

Female to Male Surgery in Ghatkopar

Top Surgery Recovery Tips:

  1. Showering:
    • Guidance: Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding showering. In some cases, it might be advised to avoid showering until the postoperative appointment when dressings are removed.
    • Alternative: Consider using baby wipes and sponge baths to stay clean before your first shower.
  2. Swelling and Bruising:
    • Ice Packs: To manage swelling and bruising, use ice packs. Apply them as directed by your surgeon to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  3. Physical Activity:
    • Lifting Restrictions: Avoid lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk during the first week of recovery.
    • Exercise: Gradually resume light exercises, such as walking, as soon as you feel capable. Avoid activities that raise your heart rate significantly.
  4. Self-Care:
    • Rest: Ensure you get adequate rest to support the healing process.
    • Healthy Diet: Consume a nutritious diet to promote healing.
    • Avoid Smoking and Drinking: Refrain from smoking and drinking, as these can impede the recovery process.
    • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust activities accordingly.
  5. Scar Management:
    • Scar Treatments: Consider using over-the-counter scar treatments to expedite healing, reduce scar tissue, and minimize redness.